
2013 Memories

2013 Memories

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Boys are Back

Breaking news... ALL three of my horses are currently rideable! I’m sure it won’t last but I’m going to enjoy it while it does!

Mystic and I had our first Dressage lesson back and it far exceeded my expectations. That Pony is ready to get back at it! He moves back to my main barn Friday. We also celebrated 7 years together on Monday. How lucky am I?!
Tolo and Mystic have been rooming together 😃

Tolo, the forgotten free loader, is free loading no longer! The kid that owns the barn he is at has taken him on and they are a wonderful pair. Tolo is definitely enjoying the increase in attention and a job. Plus he has been on his best behavior. The time off seemed to reset his brain and the kid is loving riding him!

Bentley has recovered from his larynx/eye problem, his rabies vx reaction problem, and his “I can’t be barefoot behind” problem (he pulled his own shoes it was not a planned barefoot experience). His nice little 3 week vacation ends today! 

I did get these cute pictures from our clinic last month. He is adorable if nothing else 😉