What a week it was! Mystic got called on to be a fill in horse for a high school girl to ride at OHSET over the weekend. So all last week she came out and rode him before we headed up Friday morning early, very early. He was such a good boy for her. She did try to steer daub off of him and that didnt go so well (as in she fell off him!) but it was not his fault at all and his kid was just fine and we all got a great laugh out of it.
He is truly worth his weight in gold! Even when he could easily decide just to not listen he always tried the best he could for her. He was so tired by the last day and was just ready to be done and was SO happy to be back home in his pasture on Sunday. Since he earned his keep this weekend I am giving him two days off then will start him back to some real work since he really hasnt had it in a week. Here are some pictures, I love this horse!
He LOVES minis! |
Looking very enthused right before IHOR |
Waiting for team penning! |
Chatting with the cows :) |
On another note... while we were waiting at OHSET a Gypsy breeder came and talked to me (one that I knew from state fair last year) and invited us to come be demo horse/rider at the Marion Country fair in July! So Mystic gets to go represent his breed at the fair. Hopefully we can be jumping more by then so we will have lots of skills up our sleeves. I also am going to try to get him going bridleless but we will see how far I get on that! We have dressage championships the first weekend of June so that will be our big focus for now but we will try to get some fun bridleless training days in too :) He is going to be a busy boy this summer!
Sky is doing great. She is lunging with side reins now. I am going to hop on her this weekend and just do some walk/trot stuff for awhile and keep lunging before I get on her walk/trot/canter. Then next month Alanna and I are going to take Pretty and Sky to the beach and race eachother! I love taking Mystic to the beach but you just dont get the same feeling galloping a Gypsy Vanner vs an off the track Thoroughbred :)
So sleepy while getting brushed. She needs a major mane spa day! |
Putting her big girl panties on! |
Gorgeous girl with a sad neglected mane! |