The next few weeks are going to be so busy and I am sure they will fly by. With finals next week the last few have been filled with homework and projects and now it is crunch time to get ready for finals. Along with that I am leaving for Indiana, the morning after my final on Wednesday, for a week to celebrate my great grandmothers 100th birthday with a bunch of family (many of which I havent seen since I was around 10). We return on the 17th which is also the day that Mylo starts this journey home to me so it will be a mad scramble to get everything ready for his arrival. Not only that but two days after I get back from Indiana I start house sitting for a week for someone that boards at Mystics barn.
Thankfully I found someone to take care of Pony while I am gone so he still gets some love and exercise. There are two beginner girls who currently ride the BO old Arab while their aunt rides her mare and they came out today to take a test ride on him. They are definitely beginner beginner riders so Mystic thought he should be with me the whole time and kept trying to come back to me. Once they got him going they did pretty good! They struggled a little with some of their aids but he was super tolerant and tried really hard for them! Because he has so many more buttons now he gets confused with such vague aids and really was trying to do what they wanted but just didnt understand. They got a little side passing, trot lengthenings, etc :) He is also the only other horse they have ridden on their own beside the Arab gelding. They are super excited to take care of him and are even more excited to play with his hair.
Sadly he is getting kicked out of his diet pasture due to barn construction :/ |
Depending on the hauler Mylo will potentially be here by the 21st. I am getting super excited to meet him! I have been getting almost daily texts about him and he has returned to the ladies house from the vets. He is healing really well from his gelding procedure with no swelling, yay! He got his hooves trimmed, all his vaccines, dewormed, health cert, and coggins done and is now all ready for his trip home. Rumor has it he is a pretty flashy boy! I just cant wait to get him home, give him a bath, braid his hair, and treat him like the prince he is. All Gypsys need to be pampered and have their hair did. Currently my horse pasture/paddock area if covered in 5 foot tall grass due to a broken lawn mower that we let go way to far! Needless to say I spend this afternoon weed whacking the paddock area so I can lock him up and slowly work his way up to being on pasture all day. Tomorrow the fencing starts going up and hopefully I will have his whole area ready before I leave for Indiana so I dont have to rush to finish before he arrives. I am already thinking of some fun stuff I can do with him :)