
2013 Memories

2013 Memories

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Happy Birthday to ME!

Since becoming an adult (apparently I have to be one of those now) I am a big supporter of buying myself my own birthday presents. After all what's the point of working hard if you can't enjoy it? This year I'm going big! 

I have always had in the back of my mind that once I sold Mylo I wanted to think about sending Mystic to a very well know professional dressage trainer, that just happens to have taken a Welsh Cob all the way to Grand Prix, for some training. Not because I couldn't eventually accomplish things on my own (with lessons) but because we have been at a point where the blind has been leading the blind since we hit 2nd level. And although I have an exceptional horse that I am able to learn with and teach along the way I have always thought how beneficial it would be. To be honest, it's terrifying. I have never done this with any of my horses and to think about him being 2 hours away and not really seeing him for 2 weeks scares me a little! Especially since I could count on less then two full hands the number of times he has had a trainer ride and I was there for every single one of them. My baby is growing up!
Because being a dressage pony is hard but being a dressage pony model is not 😍

That being said... I am leaving on a birthday vacation to Florida for just over a week and thought if any time was going to work this would be perfect! I would be out of town anyways, he would continue to be ridden and actually gain knowledge while I was gone, and I could see him when I get back from vacation but before his training is up. So that's how it came about that Wonder Pony is going to get some dressage boot camp this month! The best part is that after him being there for two weeks is that when I pick him up we get to turn around a week later and go to her clinic the following weekend. Who knows, 4th level by end of 2017? 😃

I would also like to note that I'm on a roll with posting... let's hope I don't run out of steam!


  1. Exciting news; can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. That's such a good idea for a gift for yourself and I can't wait to hear how he does!

    1. You've got to one treat yourself every once in awhile 😉 I'm super excited to see the progress

  3. Exciting stuff, I can't wait to read about how it goes!! He's so handsome.

    1. I may be biased but he is definitely the most handsome 😍

  4. What an awesome gift! Good luck Mystic!
