
2013 Memories

2013 Memories

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

There is nothing like ridding your own horse

Really though. Riding is one thing. It is great and I love it! It is fun to ride or work with other horses but when you havent been able to ride yours for awhile riding other horses doesnt really help. I have learned definitely not to take him for granted! Even though I do sometimes... like when I tried to carry a jump standard while on him, bareback, in a halter. Yeah that didnt end so well :) But he has to remind me that he isnt a Super Pony he is just a super adorable black and white one! Anyways... There really is nothing like being able to ride your horse!

Currently I am riding/working 4 horses on various days (including my own). It actually is really cool to see how different all these horses are and how each of them pick up on things differently. Part of what is nice about your own horse is that you know what to expect from them and you know how to ask them for what you want. With all these other horses I have to learn how they have been asked! I feel like I am actually learning a lot from it and it is making me a better rider also. But at the end of the day there is nothing like looking through those cute little black pony ears :)

Speaking of those ears, he is doing great! We are back in work, cantering, and everything has been going smoothly. I keep our rides short and sweet with long warm up/cool off walks outside. He seems to be coming back into riding shape both physically and mentally. When I first started riding him again he was like riding a 4 x 4 freight train! We are finally getting ourselves back together and looking more like we actually could have won our big pretty Championship ribbon and not like we stole it on the way out!

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