
2013 Memories

2013 Memories

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Suns out funs out!

Lucky for us the sun made an appearance today and the temp was up enough for Pony to go out with just a rain sheet, the first time this year! Alanna and I picked the perfect weekend to bring Emi up to the barn and get some video of Pony for a class project I am doing and got really lucky with the weather. Sadly this week has been a bit crazy for me and I have had something to do almost every night making it hard to get in real rides. Hopefully this next week we can get back on track. Anyways, Pony was his normal great self today as I just hopped on bridleless to get some video and pony Emi around! It was pretty adorable.

Yes he is still bridleless :)
Entries for Devonwood in the Spring open on the 26th and our entry is almost all filled out and ready, just need to add in the class # and fees and send it in! SO exciting :)

Here is a fake "sales" video of Pony:

It is just some more recent dressage work and today bridleless ride! I am just using our Inavale video to show jumping and such. Putting together this video I was looking back at old pictures and video and have really noticed how much he has grown up recently. What a good pony I have :) Also I noticed how much his mane grew in the last year:
March 2013

Dec 2013
He is like a Chia pet. Feed him and watch it grow! Love this Pony more than anything!


  1. Thanks for the heads-up on the opening date for DevonWood in the Spring. You have more info than their website!

    1. :) My trainer got the hook up! From what I have heard it fills fast so send in early. We are sending ours in that day.

    2. I'll get my entry filled out; thanks!

  2. Glad pony was good! What a cutie! And every time I see how long your horse's mane is I kinda freak out, LOL! It's so amazing!! I can never figure out why some manes never grow (like my Appy, it's like 5" long and that's it) and some grow like that.

  3. Bahaha Chia Pet!!!

    He is gorgeous as always!
