
2013 Memories

2013 Memories

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Babys Debut

Brother reunited! Its adorable how excited they seemed to see each other 
What does a horse person do on their only day off? They spend the entire day at the barn for dressage lessons! Mylo also got to come play, along with "his" girls other pony, and spend the day showing us what a perfect show pony he is going to be. Since our barn is overfull with horses Mylo had to stand in the cross ties while waiting his turn. Besides a little impatient pawing he was great. He was super chill and none of the big barn atmosphere got to him. He was just like he is at home. When it was his turn he went right to work was a super good boy for his whole lesson! He is just learning baby things like how to move off your leg, changing his bend, etc but I was super pleased with how he responded to everything and I think his kid got some good exercises to work on. After his lesson I grabbed the other pony and we went on a nice cool down out on the trails where Mylo continued his super pony ways. I am very excited to see how this season goes with him.

This picture sums them up perfectly. Wally is always licking and Mylo is always smiling.

Mystic and I also had a super lesson. He really has been feeling amazing and one of the first things that our trainer mentioned was how much his outline has changed, for the good, even since she last saw us a month ago. It seems like all of the sudden he looks and feels like a big boy dressage pony! The biggest take away from today is that when push comes to shove and things are not going great that I can not resort to holding him up with my hands. If things fall apart before I can save them I tend to use too much rein. Instead we working on bringing him back, loosening him up, and really driving him with my legs. I also need to be more light with my outside rein especially in our half passes. I also voiced my concerns about our extended trot and how it gets strung out, fast, on the forehand, and I cannot sit it. She broke it down for us and we started piecing together just a few strides together at a time. I will continue to work on the exercises to help build his strength in it so that he can physically maintain it for the length he needs to during a test. Our days of winging it across the diagonal fast and on the forehand are over if we want to score well at 3rd! Overall we got some really nice work throughout our ride and I was very pleased. The best part is that due to scheduling our trainer comes back next weekend so I get another lesson in a week. Nothing motivates me more then a solid dressage lesson!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading this! I’m hoping to have more successful lessons this season. My biggest issue is that my boy builds during a lesson then he doesn’t stay supple. He tends to run hot compared to most if not all gypsies.
