
2013 Memories

2013 Memories

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mystic gets some quality time...

with Teacher Mary that is! Due to extremely poor scheduling on my part I wont be able to keep my Wednesday lessons this term :( When I put my schedule together I knew I didnt want mornings. Mornings and I? Yeah were not the best of friends! So I decided that I actually wouldnt mind taking more night classes after work as class is like 5 block away from my work anyways. Fast forward a month and a half almost when im looking at my schedule the night before class starts again and the first thing I see? WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLASS? No... I have lessons on Wednesday, this cant be! Sadly it is. And due to both of our schedules I wont get a lesson until February when I can get a weekend lesson. The good news is that Mary is going to ride him on my lesson days instead, and possibly once a week. It will be so nice having her get on him. Even though I would love my lessons with show season coming up I think he will make lots of progress with her also, hopefully on his leg yields!

He was super good today. I walked him around outside to start our ride because it was sunny, cold but sunny! There was a pretty large/semi deep puddle that was about 5 feet wide and 6 inches deep that I decided to test him with (me flashbacking to 2010 when Tolo wouldnt go in the water at Inavale after jumping every single fence... I really dont want a repeat of that) and guess what? Being the super drafty pony he is he just walked right in no questions, no hesitations, no nothing. I just love this horse. We are a month out from our first show. Alanna and I are thinking of heading up to Lake Oswego for a hunter/jumper schooling show and just doing some X rail classes with him for fun. As for our 1st level debut? Yeah I am like WAY excited for it. 2 months to perfect our tests and shock the judges with my super draft pony that can strut with the best of them (I did already look up our judge and we did show under her and got blues both times!)! I seriously cannot wait for summer. Summer = show season which = being able to jump = XC schooling/beach = seriously fun horse adventures with my friends and hopefully = a successful
Him last January, oh how much progress has been made!
show season :)

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